Peasant cottage from Siekierno
The cottage from Siekierno (Bodzentyn municipality) was built by an unnamed village carpenter in 1887. This is testified by the foundation inscription and the date carved on the “principal beam” supporting the ceiling in the living room. The house was purchased from Henryk Brzeziński. It was transferred to the open-air museum from the village of Siekierno, located in the Sieradowicke part of the Świętokrzyskie hills. The walls of this originally two-bay cottage were built from fir logs, on a nearly square plan. The interior layout of its rooms was as follows: the hallway and the dwelling room were situated in the front part of the passageway, whilst a small bedchamber with the kitchen for cooking and a storeroom were in the rear part. The cottage has two-winged, six-partite windows, framed with profiled wooden panels. The house was rebuilt only once (ca. 1965), and has a surviving traditional stove connected with the chimney with a niche in the hallway. Currently, the building has been adopted to temporarily serve as the museum’s ”inn”.