Park Etnograficzny w Tokarni
Cottage from Umer
The cottage from the village of Umer, situated near the River Bobrza, was built in 1845.. This two-bay, wide-fronted building was owned by Stanisław Zatorski. Originally, its one-and-a-half passage interior consisted of a hallway, a dwelling room and a bedroom. This layout was historically the oldest of those buildings found in Umer. Later, the hallway was divided into two parts. The walls of the cottage were built from pine wood beams with quoins joined using straight two-sided lap joints. The entire building was set on field stone underpinning and is covered by a thatched hipped roof. In the dwelling room there is a stove which was used for cooking, heating and baking bread. The hallway has a chimney recess which was used for sweeping off the soot.