Park Etnograficzny w Tokarni
Cottage from Ostrowce (fisherman's cottage)
The house was built in the years 1840 – 1850 by Walenty Kaczor, a peasant from the village of Ostrowce (Nowy Korczyn municipality). It is a wide-front, single-bay cottage, consisting of four rooms in the following layout: dwelling room – hallway – dwelling room – storeroom. The building is made from pinewood and is a post-and-plank structure with gaps between the beams sealed with clay. The cottage has a purlin-and-rafter hipped roof, covered by a smooth layer of straw. The building has four windows – one in the small room and three in the large room. Some rooms have clay pug floors, whilst the storeroom has a floor made from pine beams. In the dwelling room there is a kitchen stove with a cooking plate and a hood, a bread oven and a heating stove with a wide sleeping place behind the stove. The chimney in the hallway has a characteristic rectangular recess (gruba). In the small room there is a kitchen stove and a heating stove.
In the attic, noteworthy is the so-called “neck”, through which two stoves are connected to a single chimney.
The cottage from Ostrowce, along with the building of a barn from Ciuślice, form a small homestead, situated on sandy land, and surrounded by picturesque, young pine woods. The buildings are planned to house an exhibition presenting a fisherman’s homestead from the 1930s.