Park Etnograficzny w Tokarni
Cottage from Bronkowice (herbalist’s cottage)
The cottage from Bronkowice in the Pawłów municipality was built at the end of the eighteenth century. The building was funded by the peasant Kacper Cioroch. The cottage was transferred to the museum by Stanisław Wilczyński.
The cottage was made from logs with quoins joined using one-sided lap joints. It has a hipped straw roof, with one row of shingles (szary) on the roof ridge. It is a wide-front building with the following layout: hallway – dwelling room – storeroom. The hallway has a door hug on a revolving mechanism as well as a heating stove fuelled from the hallway (a recess at the base of the chimney).
In the dwelling room there is a stove with a stone plate for cooking on an open flame; over it there is an old-fashioned straw-covered with clay binding, and a bread oven. Cast-iron pots are place on a dynarek – a wrought-iron tripod placed over open flames.
The cottage is furnished as if it was the home of a village herbalist, hence the bunches of various kinds of herbs drying in the hallway. Also on display are herbal preparations in original jars and glass bottles.
Until the 1970s, the services of ”folk doctors” were widely used in the Kielce region – herbalists, folk healers, wise old women (babki) village midwives, as well as blacksmiths who acted as “dentists”, if necessary.