Park Etnograficzny w Tokarni
Windmill from Grzymałków
The Dutch-style windmill from Grzymałków (Mniów municipality) was built in 1931. Originally it was in the Pakuły village (Końskie poviat), wherefrom it was moved to Grzymałków in 1947. In 1976 the windmill was purchased by the Kielce Village Museum from Wanda Berner. The windmill was transferred to the Museum site in 1990 .
The three-storey Dutch-style windmill (Hollander) was built on an octagonal plan. It was constructed on eight oak wood foundation beams laid on field stone underpinning. The walls of framework structure are covered with boarding. The windmill driving and transmission mechanisms consist of two sails (śmigi), a stock, a vertical shaft, two horizontal wheels, spindles and two wheels supporting the sail turning mechanism. The building is covered by a rafter and collar beam gable roof, with a characteristic pediment visible on the side of the windmill’s arms. The roof is a movable, revolving “cap” Hollander windmills. The cap mechanisms are set on a wheel consisting from two wooden base elements. On the lower elements supported on the uppermost beams of the walls, a steel rail was fixed, on which small carts with cast-iron wheels move. The carts support the beams of the roof base. The cap with the sails revolves towards the wind through a wooden windhshaft mechanism which will be reconstructed in the future.