Park Etnograficzny w Tokarni
Homestead from Szczepanowice
The set of farm buildings from Szczepanowice represents a type of enclosed homestead, in which utility buildings and the cottage form a compact rectangle. This type of farm layout was once seen in the Jędrzejów, Włoszczowa and Pińczów poviats (districts). The construction of the homestead from Szczepanowice began in the years 1855-1860. The first owner of the farm was Wojciech Bzdela, a peasant who had more than 29 morgas of land. The construction of the homestead in its present form was completed in the 1890s.
The homestead consists of corner-notched log structure cottages (1855), a large cowshed, a granary with post-and-plank walls (from the turn of the nineteenth and the twentieth centuries) and a shed – coach house. Additionally, in 1912 a cellar was dug out in the coach house area, framed with broken stone.
The oldest structure in the homestead is a single-bay, wide-fronted cottage, with walls from hewn pine logs and lumbers, with quoins joined using lap joints with protruding ends. Its interior consists of a hallway, a dwelling room, a storeroom and a bedroom added at the turn of the nineteenth and the twentieth centuries. A stove with a recess wall furnace and a sleeping place behind the stove, as well as a bread oven are in the dwelling room. All rooms except the bedroom have a clay (pug) floor. The cottage is covered by a smooth thatched hipped roof, stepped on the corners. The farmstead is accessed by a two-winged gate on the left side of the house. At the rear of the farm buildings a wooden corner-notched log barn has been built.