Park Etnograficzny w Tokarni
Manorial Threshing Room
The threshing room was re-created in the reconstructed post-and-plank manor barn. The building has a shingle-covered gable roof and two mows (places where sheaves and grain were once stored) and a threshing floor (a flat area in the middle of the barn). The threshing machines date from 1880. Initially they were installed in the frame-structure barn under a thatched roof, once part of the manor farm purchased from Makarewicz by the peasant Franciszek Szymański in the 1890s.
A lower part of the threshing room was divided into two small rooms for storing threshed grain and chaff. On the upper beams a floor from thick joggle-joint planks was laid. The thresher and the chaff separator were hung on the top, to be linked to the driving mechanism by a conveyor system. The Museum plans to install the devices in the future.