Zamówienia publiczne
Enclosed homestead from Kalina Mała
The homestead from Kalina Mała is an enclosed homestead, typically found in the southern Kielce region and in the Miechów environs. It consists of a cottage, a barn, a cowshed, a pigsty, a small pigsty and a large coach house. The entire complex consists of residential and utility buildings dating from the mid-nineteenth century. The homestead from Kalina Mała was built by Wojciech Podyma and Łukasz Idzik.
The Museum purchased the homestead from its last owner Krzysztof Podyma. The residential building (from 1852) is set on a clay-bound field stone underpinning and features walls made from wooden beams. It has a plank door and two-winged windows. The ceiling is bare and is covered with wooden boards. The floor in the dwelling room is covered with wooden planks, and in other rooms clay pug. The kitchen features a stove with a hood, a bread oven and a heater.
The cottage’s hipped roof is covered by a smooth layer of straw, stepped on the corners. The roof features a ”smoke-hole”, a remnant of a chimney-less cottage. At the rear, the homestead is accessed by a two-winged gate, between the brick livestock buildings and the wooden pigsty. The front entrance to the yard leads through a wide gate to the left of the cottage, and leads directly to the roofed, coach house that is open on both sides.
The enclosed homestead from Kalina Mała re-creates the living conditions of a prosperous peasant family in the 1930s. In addition to working on the land, the owners of the farmstead practiced rope-making and, seasonally, oil pressing. One can see here a small, home oil-press (standing in the hallway next to the summer kitchen) and a set of tools for rope-making (kept in the storeroom).